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What to Know Before Replacing Your Windows

Windows are an essential part of your home. They allow natural light to enter your home, provide ventilation and contribute to your property’s overall aesthetics. However, they may deteriorate as they age, leading to several problems. Window replacement is one home improvement in Kansas City you may have to consider eventually. This article provides a guide to the things you should expect when replacing your windows.

Signs That Your Windows Need Replacement

There are several signs that your windows need replacement — drafts and air leaks, difficulties opening and closing, condensation between glass panes, rotting or damaged frames, and an increase in utility bills. If you notice any of these signs, consider replacing your windows.

Choosing the Right Replacement Windows

Choosing the right replacement windows in Kansas City ensures you get the most from your investment. Some factors to consider when selecting new windows include energy efficiency, window style, material, warranty and installation process. Check the ENERGY STAR® ratings of windows and choose double- or triple-pane glass. Choose window styles that complement your home and evaluate different materials based on your needs and budget.

Hiring a Professional Installer

Hiring a professional installer is essential when installing Kansas City doors and windows. Professional installers are trained and experienced in properly fitting windows to your home, ensuring the units are correctly sealed.

Do your research to identify reliable installers in your area. Read online reviews and testimonials, ask for recommendations from friends and family, verify licensing and insurance, and request a detailed quote and timeline for the project. These steps will give you the peace of mind of knowing that your windows are installed correctly and will provide energy efficiency and durability for years.

Preparing for Window Installation

Preparing for window installation ensures the process goes smoothly and disruption is minimized in your home. One of the first things you should do is clear the area around the windows. This includes moving furniture, decor or other items that may obstruct the installer’s access.

Remove window treatments, such as blinds or curtains, and any hardware attached to the existing windows. This will make it easier for the installer to work and reduce the risk of damage to your belongings.

Protect your floors and furniture from dust and debris during the installation process. Use drop cloths or plastic coverings to prevent any damage. Plan for other logistics — make sure someone is home to let the installer in and provide ample parking space for their vehicle. If you have pets, make necessary arrangements to get them out of the way too.

Hire a Trusted Window Contractor

Window replacement is an essential part of home improvement. Make sure you choose the right replacement windows, hire a professional installer and prepare for installation for a successful project. For a reliable window contractor in Lenexa, KS, you can count on Renewal by Andersen® of Kansas City. Contact us at (913) 956-0887 to schedule a consultation.

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