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How to Know if You Have Drafty Windows

A faulty, drafty window can cause discomfort and disrupt the serene environment of your home. With falling temperatures, drafty windows can cause a significant rise in your heating bills too. So, how can you tell if you have drafty windows? Keep reading to learn the common signs that could indicate this problem.

Drafty Windows

Fogged Up Glass

Fogged windows can be a tell-tale sign that your windows are letting air enter your home. When moisture from outside air comes in contact with the warm air inside, it condenses and appears as fog or droplets on the window glass. Consider getting new residential windows if you experience foggy windows regularly.

Cold Spots Near the Windows

The presence of cold spots near double-hung windows can be a sign that the windows are leaking air. You can feel cold spots near the windows by running your hand along the window frame and sill. These cold spots are an indication of air leakage.

Increased Energy Bill

If you notice your energy bill going up despite not doing anything that could explain the increase, it could indicate that your windows are allowing air to escape. As air escapes, your heating system works harder to maintain the desired temperature. This leads to increases in energy consumption.

Difficulty Closing or Opening

If you’re finding it more difficult to move or close sliding windows, air may be infiltrating your home without you realizing it.

Visible Cracks or Gaps

Look closely at your window frame and window seal. If you see visible cracks or gaps, it could be a sign that your windows are leaking air and need to be replaced. Renewal by Andersen® of Kansas City offers the highest quality windows with Fibrex® frames known to last for over 35 years. The insulated frames of these windows provide better energy efficiency, allowing you to save up on energy bills.

Damaged Window Stripping

The rubber stripping along the edge of your window is responsible for creating an airtight seal. If it looks worn out or damaged, it can lead to air leakage.

Don’t let drafty windows dampen your home’s charm and cost you unnecessary expenses. For quality window solutions in Independence and Olathe, MO, and Lenexa, KS, trust Renewal by Andersen of Kansas City. Contact us at (913) 956-0887 or fill out our online form to learn more about our services.

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