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4 Maintenance Tips for Entry Doors

A strong and efficient entry door is important to the security and comfort of your home. From keeping elements at bay to preventing potential intruders from entering, it has a great amount of responsibility resting on its shoulders. Take time to give your exterior doors some much-deserved cleaning and maintenance. Here are some tips to help you:

entry door maintenance

1. Check the hardware.

Are the faceplates, knobs, hinges or handles loose? A simple screwdriver from your toolbox can help effectively tighten these features. If anything is broken or beyond repair, make sure to replace it as soon as possible. Finally, if your lock is sticking, spray a small amount of lubricant into the keyway to avoid damaging the mechanism.

2. Tackle loose paint and scuffs.

Take a stiff brush and whisk it over loose paint chips. Make sure to buff away scratches carefully and scuff marks with sandpaper thoroughly.

3. Test the weatherstripping.

Weatherstripping is used to seal doors and operable windows to ward off unwanted air leaks. To test it, close the exterior door and run your hand along the bottom and sides. If you feel a draft gust through, it means that a replacement is already due.

4. Clean.

Give your door a good wash using mild soap and water. Work on one area at a time to avoid creating messy puddles around the entryway of your house. Rinse and wipe the door from top to bottom until it is looking pristine again. Use vinegar and water on panes of glass to provide a streak-free finish. For the weatherstripping, lightly coat it with a furniture wax to protect it.

If you are looking for a reliable home improvement company in Kansas City, MO, look no further than Renewal by Andersen of Kansas City — a premier source of energy-efficient replacement doors and windows. Our company is committed to providing you with the comfort and safety that your home needs. Call (913) 385-1300 or fill out our contact form to schedule a consultation.

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