There’s no denying that having the features mentioned earlier in Part 2 can help you cut down on energy costs, but how much do you actually save with energy efficient windows?
Without a doubt, the price of the windows themselves can affect your answer to this question. Consider this: There are lots of window material options and brands available, but generally speaking, those with a high rating from Energy Star (a program dedicated to maximize energy efficiency in many things including windows) won’t be the cheapest around in dollar purchase terms. The best way to go about things is to consider both the materials and the reputation of your manufacturer, and the expertise of your installer before finalizing your decision on which windows to buy. Selecting reputable providers of products and services can ensure that you get the best-quality, energy-efficient windows available, at the best value for your money.
The upside to carefully selecting your energy efficient windows is that doing so can considerably increase the overall resale value of your house. It’s simpler to think of it this way: when you purchase energy-efficient windows, part of the money you used for the purchase is returned to you in the form of resale value.
Aside from raising the value of your house, you also get to save on tax credits. Using windows that pass energy efficiency standards set by Energy Star can make you eligible for a tax credit in the hundreds of dollars. In addition, you can expect a reduction in energy consumption; that’s the whole point of getting energy efficient windows in the first place.
You don’t even have to buy the most expensive option you can get your hands on. Although the pricier windows may be more efficient, a lower price doesn’t always mean poor performance. A good way to check if you’re getting the most out of your cash is to check the Energy Star label of each window. Depending on where you are located, look for options that meet your area’s recommended ratings (ratings are different for north, central, and southern climates). As long as a window meets the minimum ratings, it’s good enough for your home.